Immanuel, God With Us

The Christmas story is a part of the gospel or good news. This good news of Christ is old, yet eternally new. It is never out dated, but becomes more precious every time it is told. His coming was prophetic as told by many Old Testament prophets, such as Isaiah. He was heralded by angels singing, and came to bring peace and goodwill to the earth. His coming was a revelation of what God’s attitude towards mankind was. He had a plan of redemption and salvation for us. The Christmas story is the beginning of John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 

Christ’s coming as a baby was for that definite purpose. His life was to be lived spotless as an example to us. And through His life, He fulfilled God’s purpose for mankind. His coming provided light for the people of the world. A slogan we often use for Spread the Word campaigns is to help us “ Spread the Light.” We know that when the world reads this Christmas story, the story of the coming of Christ, that their life is filled with the light of His love for mankind, His peace for mankind, and His joy for mankind. 

This Christmas season, we pray that you have love, peace, and joy in your heart. That you are able to share these things with those around you. And that as the New Year comes in, you will find the everlasting light of Christ all around you. If sharing His light is something you feel called to do, please consider helping us to continue spreading the light with Spread the Word. More and more requests come in every day from those seeking the Gospel message, and we want to be able to answer everyone. Donate today to help us give the Good News to all who are seeking.

Thank you for your continued support and friendship.

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