
Drew Sumrall Biography

Drew Sumrall has been a part of FBC his entire life. Since becoming president, his focus has been to carry on the rich legacy that was created by his grandfather and father. 

Drew began working full time for what was then known as LeSEA in 2001.  For more than seventeen years, Drew has served in multiple roles with the company.  Those positions have included master control operator, production manager, local sales consultant, World Harvest Radio sales consultant and account executive.  Drew has produced and hosted television shows (IE Harvest Show) and was the general manager of Making Healthy Choices. As general manager of MHC, Drew was responsible for producing and hosting shows as well as being the on-air personality. Drew has developed a vast knowledge of the company and the respective industries it is involved in.  This knowledge enables him to work seamlessly with every area of the company and to understand and balance the goals of the ministry with its financial obligations. Through his work in the various divisions of the company, Drew has been able to gain a deep understanding and appreciation for the history and legacy of FBC and its many challenges.

In 2015, Drew became the President and CEO of FBC.  Since becoming President, Drew has involved himself in every facet of the ministry and business. Notable accomplishments include repositioning Family Broadcasting as an even more family-focused media company reaching millions, distributing hundreds of thousands of Bibles through FBC’s Spread the Word campaign, growing Family Entertainment Television (FETV) into a Nielsen-rated, top-50 network, launching Family Movie Classics (FMC) and effectively doubling FBC’s reach.